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Aura Nursing

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New App Release:

Project Davavin, A series of cultural apps in Persian literature:

Divan Hafez Shirazi

Divan Hafez Shirazi - The First Of Davavin

Hafez Shirazi [Shams-ud-din Muhammad Hafiz] (c. 1320-1389) is one of the most beloved poets of the Persians. He is considered by many - from different cultures - to be one of the seven literary wonders of the world. Both Goethe and Emerson translated Hafez. And after Goethe’s deep study of him, he stated: 'Hafez has no peer'. And Emerson gave Hafez that grand and famous compliment, 'Hafez is a poet for poets'. Hafez poems were also admired by Nietzsche, Arthur Conan Doyle and many others.

This app contains almost all Hafez poems, it includes 495 Ghazals, 3 Ghasidehs, 34 Ghatehs, 1 Masnavi, 42 Robaiis, 1 Saghi Nameh and 19 attributed poems.
You can find more on Apps & Games page.

Divan Hafez Shirazi (دیوان اشعار حافظ شیرازی) is available on Microsoft Store.

You can find more on Davavin web site.

Well, let save the nice smooth app advertisement for later on, For time being, here is a short introduction from the developer perspective.

The Story Of A Developer With Passion For Literature:

Once upon time, there was a seasoned software developer and an architect who had passion for literature. He thought that it would be fun to create some apps on Persian ancient and beautiful literature!
And so he thought it would be easy, since he had designed and developed multiple complex OSS/BSS (Operating Suport Systems & Billing Support Systems) for Telecommunication Carriers and GIS systems Electrical Power Generators in Renewable Energies for many years.
But it wasn't! (Smiley Face!),, .. I'm kidding, just making a bit dramatic.
Here is the main page:

Divan Hafez Shirazi

I started developing this app 2 or 3 years ago as a hobby and a weekend project.
This app is a good example of what Microsoft calls a modern UWP (Universal Windows Platform) app, there is a lot of arguments there but what made it so long and frustrating to publish, a part of being a weekend project, it was the major change of heart in Microsoft strategy about a year and half ago on subject of JavaScript based UWPs.
You see we have two types of UWP, C# base and JS based, "Divan Hafez Shirazi" was initially designed to be JavaScript UWP using WinJS which back then was a shiny and well-advertised Microsoft Platform, but unfortunately Microsoft changed its strategy and shut down the entire JS UWP Platform.
Which I don't blame them for by the way. -The JS platform wasn't well thought or designed and there were a lot of bugs!- But what I'm blaming them for it the fact that they stopped supporting it far too early, JS UWPs were introduced in VS 2015 and supported in VS 2017 but in VS 2019 you can't even open them!!

Anyhow, I decided to switch the project to good old fashion C#, and after a long delay and a lot of do overs, voilà!
The re-designed app is packed with all new Windows 10 the features & functions such as Toasts & Notifications as well as beautiful Live Tile Feature which works as a Persian calendar and presents a daily poem to user.

Divan Hafez Shirazi

It can render poems into images and let you save it, or by use of its very well integrated social networking (Facebook or Twitter) feature, you can post these images online! (For bookworms & nerds, isn't it awesome!)

Divan Hafez Shirazi

Big Note: For those of you who don't know Facebook doesn't allow direct photo load from apps, so I had to support posting images to facebook via Web meaning I had to create over 16000 images to support this function!
Here is what it is look like on Facebook:

Divan Hafez Shirazi

& Twitter:

Divan Hafez Shirazi

It has its own printing service, which can print Persian Poem nicely on any paper size (A3, A4, Letter, ... ), and more ... .

Divan Hafez Shirazi

But the most important function of this app is the ability of it search engine! It is all done in JS!! Can you believe it!

Divan Hafez Shirazi

I'll write more about it once it is out (hope fully in its own web site!),

Thanks for reading this, Cheers.
Seyed Hani Mohajerani